National Crawford Roundtable

Episode 99*-Liberal Democrat Misinformation

Episode Summary

In this episode of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, *the 99th original broadcast, we discuss liberal Democrat Misinformation in regard to the crisis in Cuba, the Texas Voter Integrity Law, and the Major League All-Star game location shift due to the voter laws in Georgia.

Episode Notes

In this episode of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, *the 99th original episode, we discuss liberal Democrat misinformation in regard to the crisis in Cuba, the Texas Voter Integrity Law, and the Major League All-Star game location shift due to the voter laws in Georgia.  Is the uprising in Cuba really due to lack of access to the COVID-19 vaccine as portrayed by the Biden administration?  Why is requiring legal identification to vote in the U.S. being considered, "Jim Crow?"  Why did the MLB allow itself to be bullied into moving the All Star game from predominately African American Atlanta, Georgia to predominately white Denver, Colorado due to so-called Voter restrictive laws?