National Crawford Roundtable

Episode 93-Stay at Home or Go to Work-The Covid Money Dilemma

Episode Summary

Is it wrong, immoral, or even "sinful" for able-bodied people to legally live off the government?

Episode Notes

Is it wrong, immoral, or even "sinful" for able-bodied people to legally live off the government?  In this episode of the National Crawford Roundtable, the guys, minus the vacationing Neil Boron, discuss staying home and collecting government money rather than working.  Is it wrong to take free money from the government rather than to work if you are able? What damage is coming from this?  Is deadbeat laziness being encouraged?  Is it the cause of the lack of employees for businesses unable to fill available positions?  Whatever happened to the American work ethic and what effect will this have on American productivity over the next generation?  Are we being conditioned for weak, entitlement socialism?