National Crawford Roundtable

Episode 81-Cancel Culture Gone Wild

Episode Summary

The hyper-sensitivity of today's "woke" Cancel Culture appears to be going overboard with what they consider to be, "offensive" material, especially that of an historical nature. How do we, as Christians, balance being, "sensitive" with rolling our eyes at the absurdity of today's "Wokeness?"

Episode Notes

The hyper-sensitivity of today's "woke" Cancel Culture appears to be going overboard with what they consider to be, "offensive" material, especially that of an historical nature.  How do we, as Christians, balance being, "sensitive" with rolling our eyes at the absurdity of today's "Wokeness?"  In this episode they guys will discuss Dr. Seuss books being dropped from publication and Hasbro's decision to gender neutralize Mr./Mrs. Potato Head.  We'll also look at the current trend of changing well known product mascots deemed racist: Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben's, or logos like Land O' Lakes butter or various sports teams like the Washington Redskins.  And what about the current trend of adding "Offensive Content" warnings to entertainment features like The Muppets, or the movie Gone With the Wind--is it going too far?