National Crawford Roundtable

Episode 71-Merry Christmas to All

Episode Summary

On this episode of the National Crawford Roundtable the guys will discuss and debate Christmas and its customs.

Episode Notes

On this episode of the National Crawford Roundtable the guys will discuss and debate Christmas and its customs.  First it will be some fact versus fiction as the guys dispel some common Christmas myths and discuss the tremendous significance of Jesus coming in the flesh.  There is a lively discussion of Jesus as a newborn, infant and toddler--what kind of child was he like?  What about the  recentJupiter/Saturn conjunction being labeled as  the coming of the "Christmas Star?"  Is it, or is it just hype?  And what would the shepherds, and wise men have seen in the sky, and when?  There is also a spirited debate over favorite Christmas movies and least favorite movies.