National Crawford Roundtable

Episode 67- COVID and Thanksgiving 2020

Episode Summary

This episode we talk about COVID-19 and Thanksgiving 2020.

Episode Notes

This episode we talk about COVID and Thanksgiving 2020.  What is the truth about how deadly the COVID-19 virus is being portrayed?    Does wearing masks and social distancing really offer any protection from COVID-19 or any other virus?  What about the hypocrisy of Democrats being caught in public places in large groups and without masks? How should Christians respond to the calls  from  many and mostly Democrat Governors, and the CDC, to alter Thanksgiving plans, don't travel, and limit family members for in house celebrations; should we? With news of several vaccines becoming available how will that affect us?  Will we be required to take the vaccince on penalty of having rights and privileges denied?  2020 has been a frustrating and disappointing year on many levels: the COVID-19 virus, riots, the election result, but we still have much for which to thank the Lord.  The roundtable discusses what they are thankful for and we all wish you and your family a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!