National Crawford Roundtable

Episode 212-Conspiracy Theories

Episode Summary

Episode 212-Conspiracy Theories

Episode Notes

Episode 212-Conspiracy Theories

In this episode of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast we discuss conspiracy theories.  How do we know what's true, what's not, and what constitutes a "conspiracy theory"?  Christians are often accused of being gullible and falling for conspiracy theories, is this true?  A few of the common conspiracy theories that Christians and non-Christians alike have fallen for include: Maui laser beams, Biden is dead and we're seeing a body-double, the Moon landing was faked, the Earth is flat, the Illuminati/Bilderberg Society/Matrix, etc. secretly control the World, Bigfoot, Elvis/Hitler/JFK deaths are faked.  Some other information considered to be conspiracy theories but which may be true include: COVID  was manufactured and released by China, COVID vaccines may not be safe, Jeffrey Epstein was murdered, Trump had the 2020 election stolen through fraud, Christians/Conservatives/Pro-Lifers are being targeted by government liberals, and there is a "Deep State" of corruption within U.S. Intelligence Agencies.